
Dogapalooza is a local dog friendly festival which brings dogs and their owners together to raise funds for animal rescue and adoption organizations.
W A N T E D:  Shoes
W A N T E D: Shoes
W A N T E D: Shoes
When was the last time you explored the shoes in your closet that have been sitting there collecting dust?  Chances are you have a pair or two or maybe a whole bunch of shoes that could benefit a Southern Tier animal shelter and be put to good use for needy people across the world...
Dog Shelter Open House
Dog Shelter Open House
Dog Shelter Open House
Have you ever considered volunteering at an animal shelter? Or are you interested in adopting a new friend? See the opportunities available Saturday (June 4) at the Front Street Dog Shelter in the Town of Dickinson.
Make-A-Wish Open
Make-A-Wish Open
Make-A-Wish Open
Make-A-Wish has been granting special wishes to kids since 1985. They wish that you would participate in this event. You can golf or just come for dinner. It's on Monday, June 13th. Talk about a great reason to take a 3 day weekend.

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