There's a very special benefit I would like to share with you.  Two great listeners to the Hawk family are hoping you will come to a spaghetti dinner this Saturday for their baby girl Briella.  This little girl is a fighter and right now she is fighting for her life.

Baby Briella was born to Maria Patton and Chris Goodman on December 16th after only 25 weeks gestation.  This little angel weighed just 1 pound.  Briella required special attention and is still in the NICU unit at Krouse Memorial in Syracuse, where she has undergone heart surgery and right now is trying to learn to breath on her own.

It's very difficult for Chris and Maria right now, caring for their 2 children at home and handling the traveling expenses going from Binghamton to Syracuse every day.  Chis was laid off from his place of employment this Winter and Maria is a home health aid, always caring for others.  Now they are reaching out to the community to help them raise some money for the mounting expenses, including the fees associated with staying at the Ronald McDonald House.

The community is coming together for a Spaghetti Dinner this Saturday, January 31st from 1-5pm at the American Legion Post 80, 76 Main Street, Binghamton  The day will include basket raffles, a silent auction and music.  Come out for some good spaghetti and please keep baby Briella in your prayers.

Michelle Dowdell
Michelle Dowdell


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