Why You Should Clean Your Desk At The Office
Last week, Traci did a story on how you are being judged by the way your desk looks. Some people are working at home so the only ones that are judging you are your family or your pets. I'm fortunate that I still go to work at the studio so my family can find other things to judge me about...and you know who you are.
Why am I bringing this up today? The second Monday in January is "National Clean Your Desk" Day." It's about getting your workspace off to a good start for the new year and to give your co-workers a break from the clutter.
A messy desk is an invitation to chaos and if there is one word that you don't want to be associated with in 2021 is "CHAOS." A clean desk helps you focus, be more productive, and makes you feel good about your work area.
Today is a good day to say "goodbye to your junk" and it begins with getting rid of the things that you don't need anymore. I decided that I don't need to keep my office door open anymore but I don't think that's what they had in mind.
I thought that I was off the hook since I only use my office to hang my coat but today is also about cleaning your computer desktop too. UHH OHH, that's a little bit harder to hide.
If you're looking to make "National Clean Your Desk" Day a fun day then you could do these activities including a cleanest desk competition. Okay, that doesn't sound like much fun to me either.
In case you didn't know for sure, Traci's desk is on the left and mine is on the right. Are you closer to a Traci or a Glenn desk?