If you've gained the COVID 20, you're probably going to walk into the new year wishing that you weren't as bloated and weighed a little less. Here's how to do that.
It's that time of year again. The time when companies want to make money by helping you keep your resolutions. If you put the tv on, I'm sure you will see these
Mark Patrick Seminars are known as alternative ways to lose the weight you've been wanting to get rid of or a way to finally quit smoking. Find out when and where he'll be and how you can register.
It happens every year. We hit the month of December and you begin to think about how next year is going to be YOUR year. You want to lose some weight, be nicer to people, maybe get that promotion at work. It is time to think about your New Year’s Resolution.
I guess its time to sleep your weekends away folks! Researchers found that people who just used the weekends to catch up on their sleep had lower BMI's (Body Mass Index) which means in a nutshell they are thinner. All of the people that were in the research study who got their butt up and at 'em and did all kinds of stuff on the weekends were fatter than the people just stayed in bed and were lazy
Researchers have developed a weight loss pill that they claim fights off fat and isn't fill with chemicals or anything else dangerous to the health of the user.