Why You Want to Clean Your House For Spring
Spring isn't officially here until March 19th but that pesky groundhog from Punxsutawney, PA predicted an early spring last month, so it may feel like it's here already.
It's National Spring Cleaning Week and with temperatures in the 40's and 50's this week, we should celebrate. It's their mission to inspire and educate to spring clean, not just your home but your life as well.
So what's the best way to inspire someone to spring clean? If you want to inspire me, then it needs to be fun. With that in mind, here are the expert's advice along with mine. I call it Glenn's Guide (GG) to Spring Cleaning.
Experts: Wash the walls from the bottom up to avoid streaking.
GG: Fill up your super soaker with Windex. For added fun, give a super soaker to all of your kids. Think of it as a family bonding experience that the kids will actually enjoy.
Experts: Wash the knickknacks instead of just dusting them.
GG: Put the knickknacks in a load of laundry...with nothing else. It's one way to get new knickknacks for the house.
Experts: Open a box of baking soda to absorb odors in your refrigerator.
GG: To keep the kids out of the refrigerator and to save energy and food, keep your dirty socks in there. The added odor will help keep the food I want to eat in the frig.
The key to spring cleaning is not having to do it yourself, so this my tried and true method. Several years ago, I offered to help with it. By the time I was done, I was asked to never, ever help again. For once, my master plan worked.
I hope my tips get you out of ever having to spring clean again and Happy Spring Cleaning Week.
[via Spring Cleaning Week]