Last night did you take time to 'enjoy' the State of the Union address? Me neither. Some play a State of the Union drinking game, which I'll explain later.

In honor of Binghamton On Tap and last night's speech, let's take a light (light beer) look at what your choice of beer says about your politics and how you vote.

According to those who get paid to create surveys and ask beer/political questions they say, Americans (as opposed to illegal aliens, I guess) who drink Dos Equis are middle of the road Independents.

That surprises me because if Doe Equis is good enough for the "most interesting man in the world" and his stance on beer (I don't often drink beer but when I do it's Dos Equis). I would think a Dos Equis drinker would know exactly who he/she wants to vote for.

Also according to surveys, Heineken drinkers are Democratic voters while Samuel Adams drinkers are Republican, and more likely to vote.  A Coors Light drinker is delusional, because it's not really beer. Okay, okay, I made that one up.

So back to this State of the Union drinking game. Every time Obama gets a standing ovation from the Democrats, you take a drink. Every time he gets a standing O from both parties, you take 2 drinks.

If he gets a standing ovation from only the Republicans, you finish the bottle. I think you're safe with that. The only way that would happen is if they decided to stretch or walk out.

That might be the only way to get through the address, because then you don't really care what he has to say. I know it's still 2 years away but remember, they don't let you drink in the voting line.

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