I'm sure the thought of quitting your job occasionally runs through your mind. But then you remember you need money to, you know... live and what not. So, my question is, what pushes you off the ledge? What makes you say, "that's it dang it!"?

A new global survey of 9,700 full-time employees found the top nine reasons someone finally quits a job. #1 reason? No raise, believe me, I get it. Almost there myself, almost all of the match!

1. Not getting a raise.

2. Not enough opportunities to advance.

3. Too much overtime.

4. Teamwork isn't encouraged.

5. Not being allowed to telecommute.

6. Being punished for asking for a flexible work schedule.

7. Too much travel.

8. No access to mentors.

9. Bosses who don't have kids and can't really understand your need for flexibility because you do have them.


Source:  CNN Money

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