The Addiction Problem has a ‘Grip’ on Our Community
The opiate and heroin problem is not just a country-wide problem, it's an in-my-own backyard problem. We all know someone that has been effected by addiction. They are addicted, they were addicted or maybe you are/were addicted.
This weekend, a dance company called Vortex will be performing "Gripped" at the Endicott Performing Arts Center (EPAC). This group was formed to perform and raise money and introduce people to local charities in our area that need help.
This year, Vortex is helping "I'm Dope without Dope." Their message is to reach the community and raise awareness about this devastating problem that effects us all in one way or another.
Through song and dance, Vortex want to spread awareness and help fight the addiction problem that has a Grip in our area. They want to send a message on how it can take a hold of someone's life and to break free from a life of addiction.
They want to eliminate the stigma of addiction. Addiction has no face and recovery is possible.They will be performing this Friday through Sunday, October 20th-22nd.
To find out more and buy your tickets, go here.
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