Happy Easter from the entire Pitcher family.  This Sunday is one of the times that most people like to go to church. The other obviously is Christmas.  For some, their not sure where they would like to go.

This is your chance to let others know where to go this Sunday for Sunrise and Church Services. So tell us below where and when (and any other pertinent info) to go this Sunday morning.

If you and your family would like to join me and my family at our church this Sunday, here's what you can expect:  "Here's Mud In Your Eye"- He turned water to wine, calmed a storm, made a blind man see, a crippled man walk again. So why do we sometimes lack the faith to believe that God can calm the storms in our own lives? What would it take for you to believe that the impossible is possible? A miracle? Join us Sunday at 10am as we learn about  different miracles and what they mean to us today.

Will you be going to church Easter Sunday?  If so, where? Share where you're going to church and what time the service is in case there's someone who's looking for a place to go.....Sunrise services too.

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