‘Project Concern’ Christmas Toy Giveaway
Christmas is seven weeks away and many people are feeling the money crunch. We want to do what we can for our kids and we all know somebody that is having difficulties or maybe it's you.
You want to get your kids something for Christmas but rent, bills, and food can make it difficult. That's why Project Concern is here. It's their annual Christmas Toy Giveaway. It's for infants to teen and all incomes are welcome.
Last year, Tara was helping out and she was talking to a lady dropping off toy donations and she told Tara that in the past, she needed help from Project Concern.
Her husband had been laid off and just didn't have the money. She was grateful that she was able to donate back to this wonderful cause. It's stories like this, that just warm our hearts.
It runs this Monday-Wednesday & Friday(11/4-6 and 11/8) and next Monday-Wednesday & Friday (11/11-13 and 11/15) from 2 - 4 p.m.
Here's an important thing: Kids are not allowed to be with the parent when they shop.
Project Concern provides clothing, household goods, and basic necessities They serve Broome, Chenango County, and Tioga County. It's eligible for anyone in need. It's non-profit and is run by volunteers and relies 100% on donations.
Project Concern is located at 23 Kattelville Road in Chenango Bridge. There is a $2 donation at the front door and that's to help keep the lights on.
They are also looking for volunteers to help customers shop. They have everything organized in their tent and storage trailers and you would help parents find the right gifts for their children. CAN YOU HELP?
If you know of a family in need, let then know. To find out more about Project Concern, go here. Project Concern - Serving those in need.
[via Project Concern]
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