When people outside of New York think of our state, they often think of the bright lights, towering skyscrapers, and bustling streets of the iconic New York City. But let's take a moment to shift our focus beyond the concrete jungle and explore the state of New York as a whole, and the challenges posed by overtourism.

According to Visa Guide's analysis, New York State takes the crown as the most overtouristed state in the United States. With a whopping 7.1 million international visitors in 2022, everyone wants to visit our state.

Spanning over 54,555 square miles with a population of 19.5 million, New York State is an big playground for tourists seeking unforgettable experiences. From the Adirondack Mountains to the Finger Lakes region, there is something for everyone to explore.

The big boost in tourism has its benefits but it also has its challenges. On the one hand, tourists help our local economies by supporting businesses, creating jobs, and generating revenue. It also shows the world our state's culture, history, and natural beauty.

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However, as more and more tourists come to New York State, it puts a strain on infrastructure, natural resources, and local communities. Popular destinations can become crowded and that can cause wear and tear on facilities.

Thankfully, authorities are rising to the occasion. Investments are being made to improve transportation networks, develop better tourism practices, and protect the environment. Initiatives are also underway to promote lesser-known regions and diversify the tourist experience, spreading the benefits of tourism beyond the well-trodden path.

From the majestic Niagara Falls to the historical sites of Albany and the charming wineries of the Hudson Valley, New York State offers a tapestry of experiences waiting to be discovered. So, while the bright lights of New York City may steal the show, let's not forget the wonders of the whole state. Overtourism may bring its challenges, but with careful planning and an appreciation for what this great state has to offer, we can ensure that New York remains a destination worth exploring for years to come.

Eight Quaint New York Towns Perfect for a Weekend Getaway

Need to escape for the weekend? Each of these eight towns in New York is perfectly quaint and will check off so many boxes on your weekend getaway wish list.

Gallery Credit: Traci Taylor

New York’s 7 Coziest Small Towns That You Should Visit

Luckily for us, we don't have to travel very far to find a super cozy town to visit because New York is home to seven of the coziest towns in the United States!

Gallery Credit: Traci Taylor

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