Wednesday night the New York City Council voted on  and approved an anti-tobacco law that is going to raise the age to purchase tobacco legally from 18 to 21.

It's called the "Tobacco 21" bill, and mysteriously includes electronic cigarettes, a tobacco free alternative. which I don't understand. It's not tobacco. So how does it fall under a tobacco law??

Anyway... I digress. The council also approved a second bill called "Sensible Tobacco Enforcement". Which will make discounts on tobacco products illegal and increase penalties on vendors who attempt to evade taxes.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg has 30 days to sign these bills into law. He's a BIG supporter of any anti-tobacco anything, so assume he's signed them already.

Mayor Bloomberg said on Wednesday: "By increasing the smoking age to 21, we will help prevent another generation from the ill health and shorter life expectancy that comes with smoking,"

Tobacco 21 will go into effect 180 days after it is signed into law. Guess you soon to be illegal tobacco users between 18 and 20 years old had better think about a little cold turkey action.

Do you think these bills are fair? No discounts and you can't buy tobacco or electronic cigs til you are 21!?!

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