It's kind of hard to imagine, but the places where we work may look very different here in the coming months and years. Stopping the spread of sickness amid the COVID-19 pandemic is now more important than ever.

One of the dirtiest places in any given office isn't always the kitchen or the water fountain. In fact, it's doorknobs. Makes sense. Lots of hands touch them, and the germs spread fast. An article at the University of Arizona says a contaminated handle can infect have an office in just a few hours. Now, some companies are looking to redesign doors the way we know them.

As some offices are slowly reopening, engineers and inventors are scrambling for ideas. How about a door opened by a keychain? Or one where you open it with your forearm instead? Sounds odd, but this could be the future. Doors with 3-D printed features? This is what they're working, according to NBC News,

Others disagree, and feel more low tech features like foot-operated kick pedals are the way. What do you think? Is it time your workplace get a complete pandemic makeover?

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