I don't remember the days when it was common for doctors to make house calls, but I've heard stories from family members. This modern day doctor isn't just making house calls, but he's also helping those struggling who need medical help and he's doing it from his car.

Carrol Landrum is an 88-year-old doctor in Mississippi who has been treating poor people from his 2007 Toyota, charging a maximum of $45 per appointment.

Dr. Landrum visits homes and is more than happy to help people who walk right up to his driver’s window with their problems.

The fact that Dr. Landrum offers this service is especially important because in the town of Edwards, Mississippi, where the average yearly salary is just over $12,000 per year.

During a recent interview, Landrum explained what motivates him. “I do this because I enjoy helping people...It’s something I enjoy doing. Helping people is why I became a doctor in the first place.”

As happens every time someone tries to do something good and selfless to help others, the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure has been investigating Dr. Landrum's unorthodox practice, but while the investigation is underway, Dr. Landrum is continuing to work harder than ever to save Edwards’ residents time, money, and restoring their faith in the medical community.

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