There are certain things in life that just make you smile.  Puppies, an unexpected smile and of course, children.  I got home after a long day of work and basketball officiating.  I had a good day doing both but this really made my day.

I gave my daughter, Tara, a hug and she asked me to pick her up.  I did and she whispered in my ear, "Daddy, take me into the kitchen."  When we got into the kitchen, she checked the lunch menu on the side of the refrigerator and then looked at me with a sly smile.  I said, yes can I help you.  Once again she wanted to whisper into my ear. I asked her if she wanted me to bring her lunch at school.  She had a big smile and shook her head yes.

I love doing the morning show at the Hawk for many, many reasons.  One of them is that I'm able to do things like have lunch at school with Tara.  In fact, one time she was staying at her cousins house and the next day Tara asked where Uncle Tom was.  She was told that he was at work.  Tara didn't realize that not all Dads are home in the afternoon.

So I asked Tara what she wanted me to bring her for lunch and she told me.  So today I'm going to take her 3 drum sticks, 2 sides of corn and 1 biscuit, and in the words of Tara "Don't forget my orange drink or ice tea this time."  It made me smile that she wants me to come to her school,  be with her and show me off.  I hope that she will always be that proud of me.  Added bonus:  I have a coupon.

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