There has not been a Southern Tier Winter in recent memory that makes me look forward to the change in seasons.  I've got to hand it to the good 'ol and mysterious 'Farmer's Almanac' for their "right on" prediction of a long, snowy endless Winter in the Northeast.  They have reinforced my respect beyond belief.

While this weekend's downtown Binghamton St. Patty's Day Parade, Lent and Mardi Gras are always "sure signs" that Spring is close by, there are a few things that I truly look forward to doing on the first 60 or 61 degree day and here they are...

#1)  Invite my friends over to share a beverage or two on my deck wearing no jacket.

#2)  Show much deserved respect for my lawn mower and possibly give it a kiss hello.

#3)  Sign a promise to pull 98% of the weeds in my garden this year.

#4)  To not complain about chilly Southern Tier nights.  I don't care how cold it gets.

#5)   Move my weight bench from my basement to the garage and stick to my workout in prep for the beach.

Spring is almost here Southern Tier and we are so deserving of her return.

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