I love Thanksgiving.It’s not that I don’t love Christmas, but I love the informality of Thanksgiving.  In my family we dress in jeans and sweats, watch football, play in the backyard with the kids and sit down to the best turkey I’ve ever had because my sister’s mother-in-law is a cooking master.

But have you ever had a moment where you were putting the fork holding your 4th helping of turkey to your lips and wondered just how unhealthy all food you’re eating is?

If you break down the average Thanksgiving dinner, you'll probably take in about 2,500 calories.  And that's not counting drinks, appetizers, or seconds.  But it does include turkey, stuffing, a roll, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, a vegetable, and two pieces of pie.

In case you’re wondering what the breakdown is, here you go:

Six ounces of turkey, with skin.  299 calories.

Sausage stuffing, 310 calories.

Dinner roll with butter, 310 calories.

Sweet potato casserole, 300 calories.

Mashed potatoes, 140 calories.

Green bean casserole, 110 calories.

Cranberry sauce, 15 calories.

Roasted vegetable, 83 calories.

Slices of pumpkin and pecan pie with whipped cream, 919 calories.

If you add it up, that’s a total of  2,486 calories which is basically supposed to be your daily total.  And that number doesn't include any drinks, appetizers, seconds or anything else you’ll eat that day. Yikes!

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