There’s a study by Diono, the car seat people, and they looked into how aware that people are when it comes to their drunk driving limits. Do you know what the legal drunk driving limit is? Well now you do.

According to a nationwide study, New York came in 8th out of the12 Northeastern states when it comes to knowing about drunk driving limits. In New York, our BAC awareness score was 59.55, and that's not great but we are doing better then the south.

The study showed that the Northeastern states overall did better than the Southwest. In the Northeast, five of our states are ranked in the top ten nationally. In the Southwest, their scores are barely over half of what the top states are getting. That is a little scary if you're out driving at night in the south.

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Even though New York is in the top of the list, there’s still some work that needs to be done in helping to spread the word about drunk driving limits around the country. When in doubt, call a cab or an Uber, that is a small price to pay compared to the alternative.

The CEO of Diono, Tim Maule, wants everyone to understand their limits when it comes to alcohol and driving. Be responsible and know the legal limits if you're going to have a drink and then hit the road.

Once again, get a ride. it's just not worth it. Don't let a momentary lack of judgement lead to a lifetime of regret.

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A recent study conducted by Forbes Advisor has found the states with the most drunk drivers. Here are the top 10 worst states.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

It's The 10 States With The Least Drunk Drivers

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Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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