I've been fighting a nasty sinus infection for the past week and while most people want soup when they're sick, pizza is what I crave.

I know, it sounds completely strange to want to devour an entire pizza while sick, but for whatever reason that's the want that hits me when I'm knocked down.

I love pizza and have tried a bunch of strange varieties, but I don't think there's any way you could get me to add a little snake or alligator to my pie. Ever.

There's a pizza place in Fort Myers, Florida who's taken strange to a new level and is now offering up snake and alligator pizza to their customers. But that's not all- you can even get python or frog on your pizza. And if you want to go big- you can get "The Everglades" pizza, named after the South Florida swampland that the snake, alligator, python and frog all come from. But it doesn't come cheap- this pie will set you back $45.

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