Some of you have met my pup some of you haven't. She is a Pomimo, an American Eskimo Pomeranian mix. She got sick the a couple of weeks ago and I've been getting a lot of questions as to her health. She's feeling much better! She was diagnosed with pancreatitis.

"Pancreatitis is inflammation and swelling of the pancreas. It can occur in a mild or severe form. The cause of spontaneous pancreatitis in dogs is not well understood. These diseases are associated with high serum lipid levels. Pancreatitis is also more prevalent in overweight spayed females and dogs on high-fat diets. An attack may be triggered by eating table scraps or a fatty meal." - WebMD

So, I guess the french fries she loved so well from a local restaurant was not such a good idea. After a few vet visits and some medicine she is back to her playful self! Now she gets to dine on chicken and rice made from scratch until her tummy feels better, but as you can see from this picture:


She was not feeling good AT ALL!

If you haven't met my pup your probably wondering why a big guy like me has such a small dog? Well, Maggie was my Mom's dog. My Mom passed away October of 2010 and I kept Maggie. She is the best most lovable pup I have ever shared my life with! Great things come in small packages!! If you get a chance to meet her you will agree! She loves kids and will kiss anybody to into submission. I wouldn't trade her for the world. I put a photo album of her below so you can get to know her a little better!



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