Letter Carriers’ Food Drive to Benefit CHOW on Saturday
This Saturday, May 11th is the 27th Annual Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. The letter carriers of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) and the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association will be having their annual food drive throughout the country.
The Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse (CHOW) program is the recipient in our area and feeds the residents of the Southern Tier throughout the year. They do so much to help those in need and this is one of their biggest events to help re-stock the shelves.
Most of us participate and help them around Thanksgiving and Christmas. We don't really think about it in the Spring and Summer and that is why CHOW still needs your help.
The letter carriers in the area will be collecting non-perishable food donations in a bag that you can leave by your mailbox on Saturday. CHOW will get the collected food at the US Postal Service Office on Henry Street in Binghamton.
So when you're out shopping, pick up a couple extra items and help out the CHOW program on Saturday. My daughter,Tara, continues to do her part and she hopes that you'll help too. Every little bit helps but no glass containers please.
Make sure to thank your mail carriers for their efforts and hard work during this drive. Go here to find out more about Letter Carriers' Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive.