It’s Okay to Have a Bad Day, Really
I'm all for living a happy life and for making a conscious decision to be happy and to seek out joy in whatever the situation. However, I know that being happy all of the time, and over the top enthusiastic, just isn't realistic. As a matter of fact, it's annoying.
We all know someone who never has a bad day. Like, ever. This is the person who walks out of the boss's office after being screamed at with a smile on their face and a spring in their step. Um, let me tell something - that is not normal. As a matter of fact, I think the people who are like that, we are all unicorns and butterflies all of the time are terrifying. One day they'll snap and when they do, it will be epic.
If you're someone who thinks you need to put on a happy face all of the time, you really don't. According to You Beauty, researchers say that if you're an eternal optimist, you really do need to allow yourself to feel moments of sadness, disappointment, and hurt. If you don't allow yourself to feel each and every emotion that life throws at us, you seriously won't ever experience legitimate happiness. As researchers put it, It’s kind of like not missing the sun until it rains."
We should all seek out happiness each day, but remember that it's perfectly okay to have a bad day every once in a while because we all have them. It's calling being a human. What's not okay is spewing your bad day in a childish way or putting others down so that you feel better about yourself. That's just never okay.
[via You Beauty]
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