Is Christmas The Biggest Miracle In The Bible
Christmas is less than two weeks away and in a normal year, we would be looking forward to spending time with our family. For the first time in many years, I won't be going to my brother's house on Christmas Eve to celebrate with my family. Thank you, COVID-19 and the coronavirus pandemic.

I'm going to make the best of it by going to Two Rivers Church for their 5 p.m. Christmas Eve service. That leads me to this question: Is the birth of Christ the greatest miracle in the Bible? I'll have to ask Pastor Will his opinion but I think it is and here's why.
Some people believe that the Resurrection is the biggest miracle. No doubt, it's HUGE but He's God and He spoke the world into being. Raising from the dead is spectacular and it changed everything but it's not that hard for Jesus.
Remember the 11 apostles weren't at His grave doing a countdown on the third day. It was Mary Magdalene who went alone to the tomb but that's a story for Easter.
Jesus coming as a child is something different. He could have come in as a King or Ruler but instead, he was born in a manger in a place called Bethlehem. That would be like being born in a barn in Warren Center, Pa.
His mother could have been a queen but he was born to a 12-year-old peasant girl. He could have begun with a party but He was born in poverty. You can read all about his birth in the 4 gospels of the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.)
If you don't think you have time, then you'll find all you need to know in one Old Testament verse. It's Isaiah 9:6 and part of it says "A child is born, unto us a son is given."
Whether I think it's the biggest miracle in the Bible or not is irrelevant, it's an awesome story either way. By the way, if your usual plans for Christmas Eve have changed, Two Rivers would love to see you.
If you can't make it there, find a Bible-believing church near you and celebrate the baby that is the reason for the season...and so much more.
LOOK: See what Christmas was like the year you were born
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