How many times has this happened to you- you do a load of laundry and you're absolutely positive that when you put the clothes in the dryer, there was a partner for every sock. But then, when you take the clothes out of the dryer at least one of your socks comes up partner less!  What happens? Does the dryer eat it?!? That's something people always joke about, but as bizarre as it sounds, it might not be too far from the truth.

I like to find the logical reason behind why things happen and since I've had quite a few socks come up missing in recent weeks, I did a little digging to see what could be causing this. Because obviously, I'm not one bit exhausted and have all of my mental capacity and there's simply no way I could possibly have dropped a sock inadvertently behind the washer or dryer. But I digress.

What I discovered is pretty interesting. I'm not sure that I'm buying it, but apparently as  your socks tumble in the dryer, water molecules shake from them into the warm air in the dryer.  Eventually, all the water molecules end up outside the sock and scientists think that every now and then there are chemical changes that affect the whole sock and not just the water. Basically, the mixture of chemicals in the air, in the sock and in the dryer causes the sock to combust.

As in *POOF.* Bye, bye sockie.

Oh yeah, and scientists are also investigating the chance that the heat absorbing qualities of the billions of socks that have combusted might have some effect on the environment, but they’re not sure if it’s contributing to global warming or cooling!

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