When it comes to the worst of the worst, what fast food place takes the award?  Let's just say my stomach started to churn just reading what's part of the meal.

Everybody knows that fast food is bad for us, but who serves up the worst of the worst?  Well, that honor goes to a fried food feast full of fish.  Ya like all those f's?  Now try saying that really fast.  Ah!  There I go again with the f's....

The Center for Science and the Public Interest has declared the "worst meal in America" is….drum roll, please….Long John Silver's "Big Catch." The meal includes fried haddock, fried hush puppies, and fried onion rings and a whopping 33 grams of trans fat which happens to be 16 times the recommended daily limit. It also has 19 grams of saturated fat, nearly 3,700 milligrams of sodium and 1,320 calories.

Granted, other fast food items have more calories, but it’s all of the partially hydrogenated frying oil that makes this meal so unhealthy.

CSPI executive director Michael F. Jacobson says: “Long John Silver’s Big Catch meal deserves to be buried 20,000 leagues under the sea. This company is taking perfectly healthy fish – and entombing it in a thick crust of batter and partially hydrogenated oil. The result? A heart attack on a hook. Instead of the Big Catch, I’d call it America’s Deadliest Catch.”

And there you have it.

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