Facebook Memories Remind Us Of Life Before Pandemic
As we are creeping toward the one-year anniversary of the two-week pause to flatten the curve, and the Facebook memories are beginning to pop up. Last year, my daughter, Tara was getting ready to perform in Chenango Valley's presentation of "Hello Dolly."
It was February 21st through the 23rd 2020 and some people were critical because the play was going to be earlier than normal. As it turned out, it's a good thing it was or we never would have been able to enjoy that marvelous performance by that talented group of young people.
Tara loves to perform and she was hoping that when sports started up again, that maybe they could still have their musical this year. Time is running out this year and it doesn't look like it's going to happen.
I feel bad for her because some of my best high school memories were the plays I was in. One year, I was the lead in a play I was born to perform in...It was Charlie Brown, talk about your typecasting.
Another time, I was a "singing gangster" pining for the good old days in a play that was written by our directors called "Pardon Me But Is This Planet Taken." It was a Star Trek spoof and my part called for me to sing just a "little off-key." I'll put it to you this way, I didn't hit the notes...I clobbered them over the head.
Nearly forty years later, these memories are still fresh in my head and I didn't even mention the time that I accidentally walked into the girl's locker room after dress rehearsal. It was my first play and we put our make-up on there, so I assumed that was where we went to take it off.
NOPE! Just the ladies and they were taking it off...and I'm not talking about the make-up. I can still hear Belinda scream "GLENN, GET OUT OF HERE." These are awesome memories that we talk about at our high school reunion.
I think about what Tara's high school reunion conversations will sound like in the years to come. "Hey, remember that time we did our gym class through Zoom" or "How about that time when we had to self-quarantine around Christmas." Good times...NOT!
As we get closer to the one-year anniversary, now would be a good time to have a conversation with your young ones.