What Does Your Christmas Tree and Ornaments Say About You?
This week is Christmas Tree Week and speaking of the Christmas tree, we've been asked to bring an ornament from home to put on the Hawk Christmas tree for tonight's (12/6) Hawk Holiday Open House. We're supposed to bring a personal ornament and it can be a fun ornament, a baby's first Christmas, favorite pet ornament, etc.
I started looking through my ornaments and realized that there is some pressure to bring just the right one for our Christmas tree at work.
The ornament I pick will say a lot about me.
Here's what different ornaments can mean:
Red Christmas balls only: You wished you lived in a department store.
Strung Popcorn: You have too much time on your hands.
Homemade ornaments: You have lots of children. (This one is without a doubt my favorite).
Let's not forget about the Christmas tree as well.
Here's what the Christmas tree can mean:
Vague evergreen smell: You bought a healthy tree.
Strong evergreen smell: You sprayed it with Pine-Sol.
Cutoff top: You forgot to measure the tree.
Smelly tree: Check it for dead birds.
Charlie Brown: You root for the underdog or you waited till the last minute to go and get one. Probably the latter is closer to the real reason.
Oh the added holiday pressure! So what kind of ornament do you think I should bring in?