Becoming A Binghamton Organ Donor
When I renew my driver's license, one of the things that I do is mark myself as an organ and tissue donor. It's something that I'm honored to be a part of, I figure when I'm gone, I don't need my physical body anymore, so hopefully, it can help someone else.
Traci's Bone Marrow Donation Story
Most of us know somebody that has lost their life because they weren't able to get an organ transplant. Traci has shared her bone marrow story and how she helped to save the life of a little girl.
It's a life-changing decision that can save the life of someone else. Did you know that around 10,000 people in New York are waiting for an organ transplant and 1,500 people have been waiting for five years or longer?
Every year around 500 men, women, and children in New York pass away because an organ isn't available in time. That is a sad stat that we would like to change. Are you an organ donor?
You can register to become an organ and tissue donor on your driver's license application. You can become an organ donor at any time so why am I bringing it up now?
Raising the Donate Life Flag
Today, April 19th, Binghamton Mayor Richard David, Broome County Clerk Joesph Mihalko along with representatives from the medical and advocacy communities in our area will be having a flag-raising ceremony.
They will be raising the "Donate Life" flag on the State Street side of Binghamton City Hall at 11:30 a.m. The flag will be raised over City Hall in honor of "National Donate Life Month."
April is "National Donate Life Month" and you can make a difference right now and contact the DMV. Let them know that you want to be an organ donor and donate so that someone's life may be saved.