We don't cover hockey that much around here, but this Stanley Cup Playoffs compilation video put together by Hockey Night in Canada is worth your attention.

You know how CBS always runs a highlight video at the end of every NCAA Tournament set to "One Shining Moment"? Of course you do. Not because you actually like it, though; it's just one of those things that has happened a lot, so that apparently means it should continue happening. They're overly sappy -- starting with the choice of music -- and always seem to forget at least one of March Madness's best moments -- like when Duke loses, for example. Or the looks on Duke fans' faces after Duke loses. We can think of a million of these omissions.

Anyway, Hockey Night in Canada, which is a show about hockey that takes place in Canada and also other places (like Chicago), despite its misleading title, shows CBS how it's done with this masterpiece. Eat your heart out, Greg Gumbel.

The music, in case you're wondering is Alistair Griffin’s "Always No. 1."

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