Well as they say at the end of the year: out with the old and in with the new.  In 2012, I'm looking forward to saying goodbye to these fashion mistakes...Yes, I realize that I'm not exactly the expert when it comes to fashion but I know bad when I see it,  because I was bad fashion boy in the 80's and 90's (and probably in the 2000's as well.)

The big floppy hats with bell bottoms and platform shoes.  A good head wind would not only blow the hat away but topple you over as well. You think we would have learned our fashion lesson in the 60's.

Another fashion bye bye from 2012: The extra pointy shoulder pads with patterned leggings and over the forehead headbands.  Reminds me a little of the bar scene in the first Star Wars movie, the one that came out in the 70's.

Finally fashion faux p

Tullio M Puglia- getty images
Tullio M Puglia- getty images

as  of 2012:  The half shaved head with high waisted shorts and Gladiator sandals...Wait a minute, I love my Gladiator sandals.  I've been wearing them every summer since the 90's. I don't mind wearing the high waisted shorts when no one is around.  I don't get the half shaved head....but if you have one, it looks good on you.

We'll see what fashion comes our way in 2013.  I'm hoping for crooked belt buckles (check out the "12 Days of Christmas...Binghamton style" on our website to see why.)  Also uneven haircuts (my fault, not my hairdresser) and shoes with holes.


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