This is seriously the best news ever for winos! The wine site just released an infographic explaining how science has proven that drinking wine makes you smarter, more creative, and more attractive. If you ever needed an excuse for an after-work glass of Pinot, you now have three.

  • A recent study found that a few glasses of wine makes you smarter because the slight buzz relaxes your brain and allows you to think more clearly. Wine also prevents you from overthinking, so your brain operates faster and your focus is less scattered. (Maybe Glenn Pitcher needs to consume wine!)
  • Another study found that having a blood alcohol content of 0.075 helps you think more creatively with "sudden bursts" of inspiration. My guess is that you're probably  less inhibited and allow yourself to think outside of the box.
  • A study found that after one glass of wine, people are perceived by others as more attractive. Apparently drinking wine loosens facial muscles, dilates your pupils and gives you a glow that makes you more attractive.  But if you have too much, you'll probably lose the effect and just become a sloppy mess.

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