I got the chills when I heard about Chandler Lacefield of Texas.  She, my friends, is the perfect example of what we should all inspire to be- a stand up human being.


Chandler couldn’t help but notice that her friend MacKenzie Sterner seemed to have a lot of trouble getting to work and school activities because her family could only afford one car and her mom usually needed it to get to work.


Chandler decided she wanted to help, and asked her parents if she could sell her Jeep, which was a graduation present, and buy the MacKenzie family a second car.   Chandler’s parents eventually agreed, but on the condition that their daughter use the money from the jeep to buy two less expensive cars, one for her and one for her friend.   




Chandler texted MacKenzie’s mom, Angel Martin for her permission, and Angel was so shocked she replied, “I AM ABOUT TO EXPLODE.”  


Eventually, Chandler found a car dealer willing to work with her, and she exchanged her Jeep for a 2002 Acura MDX for her friend and a 2011 BMW 328 for herself.  And then she surprise MacKenzie with the car.

“Everyone had cameras in my face and finally someone was like, ‘That's yours.’ And I started crying. It was awesome,” said MacKenzie.  Chandler said, “I was just glad she loved it. I'm glad I did it. I don't regret it at all. I know it's the right choice I made.”

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