If you listen to the Hawk Morning Show (and we know you do) then you know our motto is "Suck it up, Buttercup." So we're gonna suck it up and run (or walk...or maybe crawl) the Hawk Insane Inflatable 5K at Tri-Cities Airport in Endicott.

We hope you'll join our team!

It's a lot of fun and it's not really a race.....thank goodness! Our team name is "Suck it Up Buttercups." If our old bodies can handle this 5K, then we know you can too. I'm cheating a little because I've enlisted the help of my kids.

It's Devon's 18th birthday on Saturday and I'm thrilled that he wants to spend part of his birthday on our team. Tara loved it last year and she kept asking me when we were going to do it again so I can't wait to tell her we're doing it on Saturday!

This race isn't timed and isn't about how fast you go, it's about the fun. In fact, they stress it's not a race but a good time. Do you want to go around and go through the inflatable again? You can. I won't but you can.

You can dress up. Last year Tara and I wore top hats. This year, maybe I'll wear my Tigger costume.

The Insane Inflatable is happening at Tri-Cities Airport, 351 Industrial Park Boulevard in Endicott. It benefits a really good cause, the YMCA of Broome County. Our wave is at 9:30 and we'd love to have you join our team. If another time is more convenient, we hope you'll sign up anyway.

Registering to join the Hawk Morning Show's "Suck It Up Buttercups" team is really easy.

  1. Once inside the Insane Inflatable website, click on the green button to the right to create an account.
  2. Where it asks if you want to join a team, click on the blue button and select "Suck It Up Buttercups" and click join.
  3. Our wave runs at 9:30am this Saturday, so make sure you select the 9:30am wave and then the green next button at the bottom of the page to continue with your personal info.

Please arrive an hour before our wave, which would be 8:30am. The cost to run with us is $64 per person (and be sure to bring $10 cash for parking), but that price goes up to $75 on Saturday, the day of the event. A portion of the proceeds goes to the YMCA of Broome County.

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