For many Binghamton area families, a visit to see the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train has become a tradition that kicks off the holiday season.

Since 1999, the lights, the music, and the larger than life Santa have enthralled kids young, and old. The Holiday Train is a fundraiser for food banks and these brightly decorated trains have covered more than 100,000 miles and raised over $9 million and 4 million pounds of food since its inception.

The Holiday Trains make stops in communities all over the United States offering free concerts and seasonal festivities from a boxcar which has been turned into a traveling stage. The Holiday Train travels the country for three weeks and in that time period, the musicians on board the trains play more than 150 free concerts from their boxcar stage, but this year, there will be no show for Binghamton.

According to WBNG, the Canadian Pacific Holiday train ran on the D&H South line. In September, more than 280 miles of track was bought by Norfolk Southern Corp and because of that sale, the Holiday Train can no longer be brought to the Binghamton community.  If you were hoping to pack up the kiddos to take them to a different stop, the train will also not be stopping in Scranton, Hallstead or Great Bend in Pennsylvania or in Oneonta.

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