An expert on robots wrote a book where he says he's figured out the ten things that make people fall in love.  What exactly does a robot designer have to do with this? Well in his research, to make his robots more human he has been trying to find out how to make a robot love. Check this out:

1. Similarities. Because then it's easier to imagine them liking you back.

2. "Reciprocal liking," which is just a stupid way of saying they do like you back.

3. Desirable characteristics. Meaning their personality and appearance.

4. Relationship readiness. Meaning you want to be in a relationship.

5. Alone time together.

6. An air of mystery.

7. Social acceptability. Meaning your friends and family approve.

8. They fulfill you in some way.

9. Excitement. You're more likely to fall for someone when things are exciting, stressful, or even dangerous. That's why it's easy to fall in love during an affair.

10. The Wild Card. Something really specific you like about them. It could be anything from their hair to their sense of humor.


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