Glenn and I joke all the time on the Hawk Morning Show about how age is catching up to both of us because we'll walk into a room and completely forget why we went in there. Sound familiar?

Even though genetics plays a big role in whether people develop dementia, more and more research is showing that having a healthy lifestyle and staying mentally challenged could lower your chance of losing your memory and your mind. Here are some things you can do to give your memory a boost:

  • Exercise- Several studies have found that exercising, especially light exercise, slows the onset of memory loss. Even simple activities like gardening make a big difference.
  • Eat Fruits and Veggies- A recent study found that senior citizens who ate a diet high in fruits and vegetables when they were 30 years younger had lower risks of dementia.So start loading up now!
  • Get Culture- Participating in cultural activities and reading can also help. When you do these things, you'll stay open-minded, curious and creatively with new ideas.
  • Take Care of Your Teeth-  I know this seems completely random, but studies of twins have found that having trouble with your teeth early in life is associated with a risk for developing Alzheimer's disease.

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