This handsome man turns 30-years-old today and I am the lucky one who gets to call him mine.

Traci Taylor
Traci Taylor

Jay is my best friend, my protector, my prayer partner, my cheerleader, my comic relief, my son’s daddy, and my whole world. Jay has taught me so much about life and about myself. Sure, there are days we get frustrated with each other and times when we fight, but at the end of the day, we always come back to each other. Always. As a new chapter in Jay's life begins today, I couldn't think of a better way to welcome him into Club 30 than by sharing my thoughts about him here.

Traci Taylor
Traci Taylor
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Dear Jay,

Today, you step into the 30th year of your life and we will spend this whole day celebrating YOU! I know that you're not a big fan of being in the spotlight, but I hope that you'll allow yourself to bask in it's glow today and savor every second of it. I hope that the surprises John and I have planned for you today will turn into special memories that you'll carry with you for the rest of your life and that from this day forward when you look back on your 30th birthday, you'll do so with a smile.

I hope you know that you are loved beyond measure. Every single day, I give thanks to God for you, for our marriage, for our little family, and for this life that we're creating together.

Traci Taylor
Traci Taylor

You know what? You've got something really special. You have the ability to get along with everyone. You've got such a beautiful way of connecting with people and you don't even realize it because it just comes naturally. With you, nothing is forced.

There are times that people underestimate you because you don't raise your voice and very rarely do you ever display anger. Instead, you show them how wrong they are with your amazing ability to quietly stand to the side, assess what's happening or being said, and then make a change, or take charge in a humble, yet firm way. You know that your hard work and ideas speak for themselves and that nothing further needs to be said. There’s simply no need to be boastful or prideful. I find your quiet confidence incredibly attractive.

Traci Taylor
Traci Taylor

I knew in the instant that we found out we were going to be parents that you would be a phenomenal dad. Scratch that. I knew long before you and I were even a couple that you would be a great dad, but what I didn't know was that you would exceed any fatherly expectations I ever had for you. The bond that you and John have is unlike anything I've ever seen. You aren't shy when it comes to showing John affection and what an impact that will make on John's adult life. Our boy will not grow up wishing that he'd had more hugs, kisses, cuddles, or affirmations because you lavish those things on him. John will never grow up wishing that his daddy made more time for him because you understand the important things in life and you make them a priority.

I still can’t believe that you picked me to be the one to do life with. I know I’m not always the easiest person. I’m emotional (that’s an understatement), intense, and stubborn, but the beautiful thing about us is that we balance each other out. You are even-tempered and level-headed and I look to you as an example of what I need to work on being more like.

Traci Taylor
Traci Taylor

I love you and am excited to see where your 30’s will take you, and us.

I love you. So much.

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