Ah, yes.  We’re coming up on the “season” of love which means my least liked holiday is less than a month away.  Of course I’m talking about Valentine’s Day.  Let’s just say you’re a single girl and the last place you want to meet a guy is in a bar.  Where else would you find one?  How about work?  Come on, you know you’ve wondered what it’d be like to hang with the hot guy two cubbies over.  But would you actually do it?

Apparently not.

I just read the results of a survey by It's Just Lunch that found 70% of people wouldn’t ever date a co-worker or even someone who works in the same profession.

But if you've ever dated somebody at work, I’d love to hear your story.  Did it work out?  Did it crash and burn?  Was it worth it or was every second excruciating?  Spill your story and we might share it on the Hawk Morning Show!

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