It’s Tidbit Tuesday- where I share three little tidbits with you to make life a little easier.  Today I’ll tell you how to solve an ant problem, erase scuff marks on wood furniture and reduce the appearance of cellulite. So grab a cup of coffee and learn how to make life a little simpler!

Solve an ant problem – To avoid a repeat of last year’s ant infestation, fill a few small cotton or paper bags with dry coffee grounds, seal the tops and leave them anywhere you’ve spotted ants before – in cupboards, on windowsills, near entrances…Alternatively, sprinkle loose grounds around the outdoor perimeter of your home. The scent of coffee will repel ants, and ingesting caffeine can kill them, so the pests will stay away for good.

Erase scuff marks on wood furniture– While rearranging your porch furniture, you banged your favorite wooden chair against a door frame and the impact left a white scuff mark on one of its legs. To disguise it fast, dip a cotton swab in damp coffee grounds and use it to lightly dab the offending area. The coffee’s tannins will act like a dye, effectively concealing the mark. Let dry for a few hours before wiping away any stay grounds and reapplying – the coffee color will darken over time.

Quickly reduce the appearance of cellulite– Rather than relying on pricey creams to banish a few troublesome spots of cellulite, try this homemade treatment: Combine 1 cup of coffee grounds with 2/3 cup of olive or baby oil and rub the mixture into problem areas for 2 minutes. Then hop into the shower and rinse off. How it works: According to a study in the journal Dermatologic Surgery, caffeine and other methylxanthines have a diuretic effect that dehydrates fat cells, instantly reducing their size and banishing the look of dimpled skin for up to 12 hours. For best results, repeat once a week.

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