Well congratulations to Traci and Jay. Today is their 1 month anniversary. The first of many months and eventually years. In their honor, I give you 5 untruths wives tell their husbands. Let's see how many apply to them.....or to your marriage.

5) The clothes were on sale.  Marked down from $500 to $480.

4) I'm in no hurry to have kids. She says as she's flushing her Ortho Novum down the toilet and planning a very romantic getaway at a Bed & Breakfast.

3) I'm totally fine with your poker nights. As long as "poker" is one word.

2) I wouldn't change anything about you. As she's throwing away your shirts and sneakers....and your sport trophy's.

1) I don't want anything for our anniversary.  However she'll quit saying that after you really don't get her anything for her....I mean your anniversary.


In all seriousness, Happy Anniversary Traci and Jay.  So do I have to do this every month or is the 6 month anniversary sufficient?

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