Tioga County Hotel is Second Most Haunted Hotel in the USA
AMITYPHOTOS/Fainting Goat Island Inn
As many of you know, my daughter, Tara, and I love to go ghost hunting. We love to go to haunted places and went to Gettysburg a few months ago to check out the various haunted locations. In June, we went to the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary because Tara read that an Indian massacre happened in the area in the 1700s.
So we are thrilled to find that there is a haunted location in our own area. It's the Fainting Goat Island Inn in Nichols and it came in second as the most haunted hotel in the USA behind the Mizpah Hotel in Tonopah in Nevada, according to USA Today.
They are known for the fainting goats and the four Pyrenees Mountain Dogs but their guests may not agree. It started out as a railroad hotel in the late 1800s and many people have told of many ghostly encounters.
Some were waking up to voices in the night or seeing two ladies enjoying tea in the Fainting Room and there have been reports of footsteps being heard on staircases that don't exist, the inn's listing on USA Today's list reads.
You'll even hear about visitors finding a child sized chair next to the bed in the Nubian Room and that's just part of what you might find or see at the Fainting Goat Island Inn.
Tara and I have been looking forward to exploring (and hopefully staying) there soon...as soon as I get the nerve. Go here to find out more about the Goat and congratulations, we look forward to our stayyyyyyy.