The Story That We’ll Tell When the Pandemic is Over
2020 is going to be one for the record books. We think what can possibly be next and Ta-Da here comes Governor Cuomo's new Cluster Action Initiative and COVID-19 Red, Orange, and Yellow Zones. Binghamton has been put in the COVID-19 Yellow Zone and here is what it means.
We all seem to have an opinion on what we should and shouldn't do. Everyone is talking and nobody seems to be listening. There is so much information that it's causing confusion, anxiety, and anger.
I know of some life long friends and family members that have quit talking because of what is going on around us. It's scary and sad both at the same time. So what do we do about all of this?
We've heard the saying "Do to others as you would have others do to you." So we try that principle with those that we don't exactly see eye-to-eye with. Then they say or write something that we totally don't agree with and hurts us deeply.
One of our first responses might be to "do to others what they've done to me." Then add all the things that we can't control like virtual learning for our kids or being told what we can and can't do.
I know the two weeks to flatten the curve has now gone into its sixth month with no end in sight. We all feel powerless and it's frustrating. We want to lash out and that is the predictable thing to do.
So instead of the predictable thing, we try the remarkable instead? One day, 2020 and the pandemic will be in the rearview mirror and many lives will be changed forever. What story will we tell when we look back?
Will it be about what we could do or what we couldn't do? Will it be about the positive or negative things that we did during this difficult time?
A good friend of mine told me this long ago and I never realized how true it was until March of 2020. "10% is how you think and 90% is how you react." How will you react when this is over?
Will you be predictable, remarkable, or remarkably predictable? I CHOOSE REMARKABLE!