I know I do! I'm currently working on a full sleeve. I say "working on" because my artist, one of my friends, lives in North Carolina. So it's getting done in pieces when I'm not grinding my teeth down to the nubs when he tatts over my burn scar. Short story intermission: Furnace exploded shooting steam down my arm. Second degree burns and a bit of third. Short story over. Anyway, It used to be that you'd only see tattoos on bikers, military personnel and etc. Now it seems like everyone has ink. I mean don't get me wrong, there's nothing hotter than a young woman with a sleeve, chest piece or calf piece! It used to be a VERY looked down upon thing to do. You were almost making sure you were cast out of society by paying for any body mod except for a pierced ears. Now holes in tongues, and everything else is OK. I love ink, but is it coming to a quick demise? A friend of mine said "Stop getting tatts! Your gonna be in a nursing home one day and the nurses will all be laughing at you saying you were part of the Ink Generation!". Truth? Maybe. I don't think it's a bad thing. I ask you if it's coming to a demise because there are as many tattoo shops out there of one kind or another as there is fast food. People are beginning to generate revenue by the removal process as well. It used to be just specialized medical offices with the equipment to burn them out. Many tattoo shops now have removal lasers! Are we paying a high price for a fad we can't change? You remember those parachute pants from the nineties? Where did they go? You can't give your tattoos to the Good Will can you? Something to think about for you go under the needles.!

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