In all my years shopping at Aldi nothing so remarkable had every happened to me until a stranger stopped me in the parking lot during my last trip there.
Think that you need a lot of money to spread acts of kindness? No. There are plenty of things that you can do to spread kindness that cost virtually nothing!
Looking for a way to help spread kindness while you are at home instead of a virus? There’s a new movement out there that went viral called the “Kindness Postcard.”
This woman is the picture of what I believe in. Positivity and love. Fast forward to the airport... a guy and his daughter are checking in for his flight when the attendant asked how old his daughter was. He said she had recently turned two...
You know I love it when people help other people and love strangers. This single Mom was in bad shape until the police turn a ticket into a miracle for her!
Her name is Naomi Norelli, This mom's story is heartbreaking. She was pregnant with child number 2 when she was diagnosed with cancer...