Simple Guidelines That’ll Help When You Go Back To Work
Beginning tomorrow, May 15th, the Southern Tier will begin to see the crumbs of opening back up or as it's called the "partial reopening." We are one of only five regions given the "okay dokey" to enter Phase One in New York.
That means some of the businesses in the Oakdale Mall are getting ready to open back up. In the City of Binghamton, the 10 p.m. to 5 a.m curfew will come to an end but paid meter parking will return.
Here's some more good news. We could see the second phase of reopening earlier than we had anticipated. The guidelines going from Phase 1 to Phase 2 is supposed to be a 14-day waiting period. The Southern Tier could transition in days not weeks.
When you are allowed back to work, you may have a hard time remembering the do's and don'ts. Here are some simple guidelines to help you during the coronavirus pandemic:
M - Mouth
E - Eyes
N - Nose
Follow Women
W- Wash your hands
O - Obey social distancing
M - Mask up
E - Excercise and eat well
N - No unnecessary travel
I hope this friendly (and hopefully funny) reminder will help.
In all seriousness, I hope it's your business that's starting back up and I can't wait till everyone can start getting their economic lives back on track.
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