Self driving cars are well on their way. They'll all but eliminate car accidents, our time in the car will be more productive, and there will be nothing stopping us from drinking heavily from the time we wake up until the time we pass out.A new Harris poll asked people what they think about self-driving cars, which it looks as if we actually will live to see them!

Here are the best five stats:

1. Only one in three people say they have no interest in a self driving car.

2. 93% of people have at least some fear about them. The most popular one is the potential for computer glitches, number two is the price.

3. 53% say the best thing about them is there will be fewer accidents from drunk driving and distracted driving. 50% are looking forward to no speeding tickets and 18% think they'll increase productivity.

4. 30% say they're going to make us even lazier than we are now.

5. And finally, 24% can't wait to have one to serve as their permanent designated driver.


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