The $50,000 Spring Auction is here in the Hawk's 'Seize the Deal' Store. Over 50,000 dollars in auction items. You set the price with your bid but you only have through  Friday to bid and win.

This auction has everything from spas, pellet stoves, sheds, home improvement, jewelery, auto detailing, restaurants and more.

I celebrated Earth Day early and got the dirt in my car...out. I took my car to Wreckz 2 Rodz. They have several packages available during the Spring Auction including Full Reconditioning 4 Times a Year.

Tara took a look inside of the vehicle when I brought it home. She's not afraid to get in it anymore.....I didn't tell her that she was partially responsible for the mess. She also loved the new car smell that it had. It really felt like winter was FINALLY over and spring and the warmer weather is here.

Check out our Auction. Bid and save on things that you're going to need and use anyway. Do it now and by the end of the week, you could be treating yourself to something special. See all the items here.


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