Although I've never visited myself, several friends have and they rave about Little Creek Farm and not only about its adorable farm store but about the hidden history that sits in plain sight right on the property.

Located at 2027 Day Hollow Road in Owego, Little Creek Farm is bursting with stories, memories, and history that have been passed down for generations, dating back to the 19th century and now, it's time for those special stories to be shared!

One of these stories is about a special and important person who once lived there. Army General Henry Martyn Robert, who wrote the well-known book "Robert's Rules of Order," actually used to use this property as his summer home.

Robert saw that there was a problem with how meetings were organized in the 19th century where meetings were often chaotic and disorganized because there were no clear rules in place. Inspired to make a change, Robert would write a guide that would help bring structure and efficiency to meetings.

Robert was intrigued by parliamentary procedure, dating back to when he first led a church meeting in 1863. However, his lack of knowledge about the proper rules during that meeting made him realize that there was no standard set of rules in place, and because of this, he started pushing for a new manual that could bring consistency to organizations across the country. Robert wound up writing that manual, turning it into a book.

"Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies," was released in February 1876 by Major Henry M. Robert (who was later promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and then General). This important book was based on the rules and procedures of the United States Congress and was modified to be useful for groups not part of the government.

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Henry Martyn Robert worked hard to improve and update the manual, releasing four editions before he passed away in 1923. The fourth edition, called "Robert's Rules of Order Revised," included many changes and additions based on feedback received from many individuals and organizations.

DYK? The Oldest Public School System in NYS Is In the Finger Lakes?

This is a fascinating list of some of the oldest public school systems in Upstate New York. As you will see, there are some pretty old school districts located in the Finger Lakes region as well as Central New York. In fact, a couple of schools date back to the 1700s!

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio

35 Reasons Why Everybody Loves the Finger Lakes

There are several great "destination pockets" in the area we call Upstate New York. Whether it be the historic mansions along the Hudson Valley, the small ski towns of the Catskills, the majesty of the Adirondacks, the diverse history of Central New York, or the beautiful region shrouded in Niagara's mist out west. And then there is the Finger Lakes! These 11 "finger like" lakes, spread out from (roughly) just west of Interstate 81 out through the Genesee Valley in Western New York This area is one of the state's great playgrounds.

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio

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