Last week there was a report from the Oneida County Health Department in Upstate New York about a rabid fox  Have you ever faced or been attacked by a rabid animal? If you have, then there are some things you need to know that could help save your life.

Create Distance

First thing that you should do is to get some room between you and the wild animal. Stay calm and get away without making any sudden movements that might make the animal mad.

Shield Yourself

If the animal doesn't go away and continues to attack, think quick! Look for anything that can be used as a shield. Grab a bag, jacket, or even a tree branch to help you get away from the animal.

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Clean the Wound

If you get bitten, it's important to wash the wound as quick as you can. Get some soap and running water and spend 10 minutes gently cleaning the area. This will help you to lessen the chance of infection.

Get Medical Help

As soon as you can, get ahold of your local healthcare provider or go to the emergency room. Tell them what happened and give details about the attack. This will help them to determine what to do next.

Rabies Vaccination

Depending on the situation and the possibility that you contacted rabies, your doctor might recommend a series of vaccinations. These shots usually involve a rabies immune globulin (RIG) near the bite wound, followed by several rabies vaccine shots over a period of time.

The biggest thing to remember is to follow their instructions and complete the entire treatment. Remember that rabies is a nasty disease that could kill you if left untreated!

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