Men Are More Romantic Than Women? How Is That Possible?
Valentine's Day falls on a Tuesday this year and your just not feeling it this year. Maybe you're depressed because you bet big bucks on Philadelphia and then you watched your dough fly away as the ball went through the goal post with 8 seconds on the clock.
You can blame the ref all you want but the Philly D let KC score every time they had the ball in the second half. Speaking of scoring, Philadelphia and Kansas City scored multiple times, but you can't score at all.
Maybe it's because you aren't being romantic enough. If your a man and you say that you can't help it because you were just made that way. First of all that's not true because God doesn't make junk. Second of all, one thing that we've learned in the past three years is to follow the science.
God Doesn't Make Junk
Men Are More Romantic Than Women
Business Insider did a scientific study on love and they found that men are more romantic then women. Hey Ladies, don't argue with me, take issue with the science. According to the study, men are more likely to experience love at first sight and the first to say those magical (and in some cases, regrettable) three words, "I love you."
The reason that women don't "fall in love" at first sight is because it doesn't make evolutionary sense for them. Falling in love quickly meant that they would end up with a sub-par mate and miss a better mating opportunity.
Women are programmed to be choosier then men when it comes to relationships and it's not as risky for men to jump right in. The male acts on emotion and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what motivates the man.
We can look at science all we want but we've become more skeptical on what science tells us in the last couple of years. If you really want to make it work, then take this advice from Dr. Myles Munroe